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Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi Clinic is a reputed and authentic Diabetes specialist Gurgaon, Delhi and NCR region and offer comprehensive and bona fide Ayurveda treatment, practice 100% ethical ways, and are known to offer immensely higher success rates.

Diabetes has taken epidemic proportions in the modern era. Type-2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, type-1 diabetes and gestational diabetes are the most prevalent forms of the disease. Diabetes, when left uncontrolled can cause eye/skin/hearing/mouth/stomach/foot/ heart/brain/kidney/sexual/mental problems and can also cause premature death. Apart from environmental and genetic factors, diabetes can also occur because of obesity, sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity), childbirth, hormone-related diseases, bad diet, age and other reasons and causes. Dr. Monga diabetes specialist Gurgaon helps in the proper management of diabetes and facilitates a happy, productive and fruitful life for its patients.

What do we do

Dr. Monga specialty clinic combines ancient Ayurvedic herbs with the modern allopathic medicine and brings to you normal life again. You can trust us to help you overcome diabetes symptoms and have a well-managed diabetic condition (devoid of health issues) in not more than 15 days. If diabetes has been affecting you for the past some months and /or years, the treatment would not take more than 4 or 6 months. Ayurveda stores the remedies of both chronic and acute diseases and health conditions, and the rare medicinal herbs can provide you sufficient relief and an exuberant life in the least of time. We also help you reform your lifestyle patterns and habits so that you can be productive and live life just as you did prior to catching diabetes.

WWhy you should choose us

Dr. Monga Integrated (Ayurveda + Allopathy) Treatment for Diabetes has so far saved and improved thousands of lives worldwide. More than 20 lakhs patients are in consultation with us towards the treatment of a range of diseases such as diabetes, GI tract disorders (such as piles and constipation), sexual problems (such as ED and premature ejaculation), stunted growth, obesity and others. We have successfully treated more than 6 lakhs patients and the testimonials will give you a peek into how efficient can Ayurveda be towards treating the chronic diseases related to modern age.

We have a world-class facility and therapeutic care center at Gurgaon and other metro areas located in the NCR region. You can trust us to offer you fulfilling and comprehensive treatment for diabetes under one roof, as our world-class therapeutic faculty has all the modern features and amenities to bring to the best care and sufficient improvements. We also help you reform your lifestyle and habits so that the diabetes symptoms never recur again.


You can call us now on the number given on the website and can book an appointment. Alternatively, you can also fill the online form and our representatives will reach to you shortly. We employ a panel of healthcare experts and practitioners, including Ayurveda medicine degree holders and surgeons, consultants, and others and the experts aim to provide you a personalized treatment that is best for your age, gender and other aspects.

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