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Pilonidal Sinus Treatment

A pilonidal sinus is a tissue sac containing fluid or air. Generally, it's located in the buttocks crease and causes skin infection. It is a common medical condition among the general public, but it causes pain and requires proper treatment. Patients must consult the best Pilonidal sinus treatment in Delhi as soon as they discover the symptoms. Pilonidal Sinus is extremely painful and may turn into a severe problem if not diagnosed and treated rightly. The condition could lead to sinus cavities, abscesses, and other issues.

Pilonidal Sinus Causes

The exact cause of the pilonidal Sinus isn't clear at present. All that is known of this medical condition is that individuals can find ingrown hairs in the buttocks' skin, leading to infection. However, the primary causative factor that requires immediate attention is intense pain, a large dimple between the individual's buttock, red, inflamed cyst, extreme fever, nausea, and tiredness. The cysts is generally caused because of the infection in the skin and have ingrown hairs. Look for one of the best Pilonidal sinus treatment centers near you as soon as you discover these symptoms.

Pilonidal Sinus Diagnosis

The Pilonidal sinus specialist doctor starts by giving a complete diagnosis and examination of the condition. The examination includes checking buttocks crease to find out the pilonidal sinus signs. The cyst is easily visible with the naked eye and doesn't require any special equipment. Generally, it looks like a pimple.

Additionally, the professional may also ask various questions like whether there was any change in its appearance, fluid draining, and other symptoms. The physician may also conduct an MRI or a CT scan to determine the potential issues of sinus cavities usually formed under the skin's surface.

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment

Patients diagnosed with one or more symptoms of pilonidal Sinus are given medical treatment fitting their case. The experts consider various factors when recommending medications and treatment to the patient, such as pilonidal sinus history, skin issues (if the person has any), recovery rate, etc.

The treatment is designed according to the severity of the symptoms. It's not necessary whether the patients would require surgery to remove their pilonidal Sinus. Fortunately, there are countless treatment options available in addition to surgery.

Cyst Draining : In this Pilonidal Sinus Treatment process, the experts put a small cut into the cyst for opening and draining the fluid. The aim is to remove infectious fluid from the cyst so that it can heal at the earliest.

Injections and Antibiotics : The physician uses injections containing phenol (a chemical compound). It helps in treating and preventing moderate and mild pilonidal cysts. Skin inflammation can be easily treated using antibiotics. But medications don't have the power of healing pilonidal Sinus on its own.

Laser treatment : It is the next best non-surgical treatment that removes hair (ingrown or otherwise), which prevents the possibility of recurrence of pilonidal Sinus. It is recommended to use a warm compress to manage pain and soothing your skin.

Pilonidal Sinus Surgical treatment

If you have a chronic pilonidal cyst or it has gotten worse and formed a sinus cavity under your skin, it's a severe case, and you may need surgery to excise (remove) the cyst entirely. Afterward, the surgeon might either leave the wound open for packing (inserting gauze) or close the wound with sutures or a skin flap (skin taken from a healthy part of your body).

Whenever you have surgery, it's essential to take good care of your wound, so it doesn't get infected. Your provider will tell you how to keep your wound clean (including shaving the area) and how long you should keep it covered. They'll also tell you the warning signs of infection and when you should call your provider.

Pilonidal Sinus Prevention

Patients with symptoms of the Pilonidal Sinus can take several measures to prevent the medical condition. These preventive measures also help in preventing pilonidal Sinus or prevent the possibility of recurrence.

Wash and dry the entire area of your buttocks regularly. It is essential to maintain hygiene in that area. Next, you should lose weight for the speedy recovery and eliminate the risk of recurrence. Do not sit for long hours as it may put extra pressure on the affected area. Shave the buttocks area fortnightly. It helps in maintaining hygiene and lowers the possibility of ingrown hairs. Look for the best "Pilonidal sinus Doctor near me" for a regular check-up.

A pilonidal sinus isn't an extreme condition. However, the pain and discomfort that it causes is undeniable. If left untreated, the cyst can generate some severe health problems. Patients may end up developing more than one cyst in or around the affected area or in the buttocks crease. If the cyst recurs, it is more likely that the patient is suffering from the chronic pilonidal disease. In extreme conditions, the infection spreads to other parts of the body, termed Systemic infection. It can be severe as there are chances of developing severe diseases like squamous cell carcinoma. However, it is a rare condition, but it's caused due to pilonidal Sinus. If the physician diagnoses the patient with pilonidal sinuses, they remove the fluid or pus for complete healing of the condition.

The patient may need to take leave from work according to the severity of their symptoms and condition of pilonidal Sinus. It is one of the medical conditions that cause too much pain and discomfort. The situation is challenging, especially for individuals who need to sit for long hours because of their job or otherwise. It's best to discuss your condition with the physician if you find discomfort at work.

Pilonidal Sinus : Bottom Line

Seek the advice and help of a certified professional like Dr. Monga so that you can get rid of a problem with the best treatment. Don't hesitate to discuss your condition, concerns, and symptoms with the physician. Pilonidal Sinus isn't life-threatening, but it can turn out to be a severe condition if you won't get it treated with the right measures and medications. If you are looking for a professional in Delhi, consider booking your appointment with Dr. Monga clinic for best in the class treatment.

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