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PCOD & PCOS Treatment in Delhi

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PCOS or Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that affects women at reproductive age. Women diagnosed with PCOS may have excessive androgen ( male hormones) or prolonged or infrequent menstrual periods. In this condition, the ovaries may not release eggs regularly and/or develop follicles or small fluid collections.

It is still unknown as to what causes PCOS; however, with an early PCOS treatment and diagnosis, the doctor for PCOS treatment can reduce the potential risk of various other complications like heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, and other such medical conditions. Women who are trying to conceive but are not able to do so may have to undergo a test to ensure that they do not have PCOS.

Symptoms of Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Before you undergo the treatment of polycystic ovaries, the doctor will first understand the patient's symptoms. A woman may experience

  • Irregular periods
    Some women experience prolonged, irregular, or infrequent abnormally heavy periods. It is also one of the most common signs of PCOS, which is very common in women. Often, women tend to overlook their periods' irregularities as a side effect of their stressful life and do not pay much attention to this front.
  • Excess androgen
    In some cases, women may have elevated or excessive male hormone levels, resulting in excess hirsutism or body hair, facial hair, male-pattern baldness, and severe acne.
  • Polycystic ovaries
    The Polycystic Ovaries Treatment in Delhi is also recommended when a woman has enlarged ovaries that contain follicles surrounding the eggs. Due to this, the ovaries may not function properly or regularly.

Causes of polycystic ovarian syndrome

Before you undergo the polycystic ovaries treatment in Delhi NCR, the doctor will first try to understand the cause of the problem. Some of the factors that are considered include

  • Excess insulin
    The pancreas produces insulin so that the body can use sugar as its primary energy source. In some cases, the cells are resistant to insulin, due to which the insulin production within the body increases resulting in high blood sugar levels. Excess insulin also may increase the production of androgen, which can cause difficulty with ovulation.
  • Low-grade inflammation
    Low-grade inflammation is the term that is given when the body produces white blood cell substances to fight different kinds of infections. Women with PCOS have a particular type of low-grade inflammation that acts as stimulants for polycystic ovaries during androgens' production. It can eventually lead to blood and heart vessel problems.
  • Heredity
    Some women may also develop PCOS because of their genes. It can also exist if there is a family history for the same.
  • Excess androgen
    The excess production of androgen results in acne and hirsutism because of the high levels present in the body.

The PCOS Treatment is often determined based on the causes, type of PCOS, patient age, etc.

Types of Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

The doctor for PCOS Treatment will conduct the necessary tests to understand which type of PCOS a woman has and recommend the right kind of therapy based on the results. There are four types of polycystic ovary syndrome; they are as follows.

  • Insulin-resistant PCOS
  • Pill-induced PCOS
  • Inflammatory PCOS
  • Hidden COS

Treatment for PCOD PCOS in Delhi

In Our Center at Dr. Monga Clinic Delhi provides Treatment for PCOD PCOS that helps manage the individual concerns a person may have, such as obesity, acne, hirsutism, infertility, etc. The doctor may suggest anyone or combine the treatment options mentioned below.

Lifestyle changes

The lifestyle of a person does play an essential role in their overall health. The doctor may recommend lifestyle changes like a change in diet and the recommended exercises based on your weight. If you are too thin, the doctor may put you on certain supplements along with a rich but not risky diet. Other lifestyle changes may include quitting smoking or drinking, reducing stress levels, etc.

  • Medicines
    The medicines that the specialist prescribes will help to regulate your menstrual cycle. The doctor may prescribe or recommend
  • Birth control pills
    The combination of birth control pills containing progestin and estrogen helps regulate estrogen and decreases androgen production. By regulating the hormones in the body, a woman is at a lower risk of endometrial cancer. It also helps to prevent acne, excess hair growth, and correct issues of abdominal bleeding.
  • Vaginal patch or skin patch
    In some cases, the doctor may also recommend a vaginal or skin patch that will contain progestin and estrogen instead of pills.
  • Progestin therapy
    The progestin therapy generally lasts for 10-14 days and maybe recommended every alternate or between a gap of two months to protect the patient from developing endometrial cancer and regulate the periods.
  • Surgery
    As a last resort, the specialist may also recommend various kinds of surgical methods or procedures depending on the type of PCOS and the cause behind the problem. The different surgeries for PCOS are as follows.
  • Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling by laser
  • Cyst aspiration
  • Oophorectomy

For ovulation, the doctor may recommend

  • Clomiphene is an anti-estrogen medicine taken orally during the first part of the womans period.
  • Femara or Letrozole is recommended for the ovaries' stimulation; however, it is primarily meant for women diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Metformin is a medicine that helps to lower insulin levels and improves insulin resistance. It is also given for weight loss and slows the progression of type 2 diabetes when a woman has prediabetes.
  • Gonadotropins are an injection-based treatment that is given as a part of hormonal therapy.

The doctor specializing in polycystic ovaries treatment near me will recommend the dosage and strength based on your present medical condition.


Q: Is PCOS a serious problem?

Ans:Women diagnosed with PCOS can also develop various other health conditions like uterine cancer, problems with the blood and heart vessels, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, etc. Polycystic ovary syndrome can also affect fertility in women wherein they would need to undergo PCOS Treatment.

Q: Can a Doctor for PCOS Treatment cure the condition?

AnsPresently there is no permanent cure for PCOS, and neither will it go on its own. Women may also continue to have high androgen levels and insulin resistance even after menopause. As this is a lifelong condition, the doctor will make lifestyle changes and put you on the relevant medicine if needed.

Q: What happens if you have polycystic ovaries?

Ans:PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder in a woman. In this condition, you may have prolonged or infrequent periods or excess androgen or male hormones. Even the ovaries will fail to release eggs regularly or develop follicles or small collections of fluid. The treatment of polycystic ovaries varies depending on the patient's age and other such factors.

Q: What happens if you do not undergo Polycystic Ovaries Treatment?

AnsIf you do not undergo PCOS treatment, you stand a higher risk of developing various medical conditions. This includes depression, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, sleep apnea, obesity, cardiovascular disease, infertility, type 2 diabetes, and so on.

Q:Can I conceive if I undergo polycystic ovaries treatment?

Ans Many women diagnosed with PCOS have been able to conceive by undergoing a short course of medicines during the beginning of their periods. However, if you cannot conceive naturally, you can also try alternative therapies like IVF and IUI or any other assisted pregnancy options.

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