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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are diseases that have serious effects on your sexual and reproductive health as well as your general health. They are also frequently referred to as venereal disease (VD) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The number of new cases of treatable STIs is expected to be around 333 million per year. STDs are serious conditions that call for medical attention. Although some people find this subject taboo or uncomfortable, discussing STIs is crucial and can help lessen the stigma associated with them.

Given the abundance of incorrect information about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), it is not unexpected that these illnesses spread. You should thus keep up-to-date and be able to distinguish between fact and fiction.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), infections are contracted from sexual intercourse contact with another infected person (who may or may not show symptoms) or otherwise from intimate physical contact through the skin such as HPV and Herpes. The causative agents include virus, parasites, or bacteria that get passed through semen, vaginal discharge, blood, or any other body fluids. Both men and women can be affected by most sexually transmitted diseases, says Dr. Yuvraj Monga, the best sexologist in Delhi.

Treatment and diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases including syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, trichomoniasis and skin diseases are provided by the expert and Infectious Disease Specialist in Delhi at Dr Monga Clinic.

What are the common signs and symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

There can be varied signs and symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in different individuals. Sexually transmitted diseases are sometimes generally associated with no or mild symptoms as per the top Sexologist in Delhi. Some of the signs and symptoms may include

  • Abnormal discharge.
  • Frequent and painful urination.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Itching in genitals.
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes and throat.
  • Unpleasant strong odor from vagina.
  • Genital and mouth sores.
  • Rashes.
  • Fever.
  • Abdominal pain.

How are Sexually Transmitted Diseases diagnosed?

At Dr. Monga Clinic Delhi NCR All STD treatments are preceded by the right diagnosis. A sexually active individual must undergo a physical examination and if needed a microscopic evaluation of the sores or swabs of fluids discharged from the sexual organs can be done. Blood tests can also help diagnose some STDs if required.

Types of Sexually transmitted diseases.

The different types of sexually transmitted diseases are as explained below by the best sexologist in Delhi

1. Genital warts treatment in Delhi

These are soft abnormal skin growths that appear in the genital area of either men or women because of infection by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The HPV infection is easily transmitted through skin contact from an infected person. Warts are mostly asymptomatic. Sometimes, warts go unnoticed as they are small and skin- colored (sometimes slightly darker). In males, these are usually found on the groin, penis, scrotum, in or around the anus, or inner thighs. For females, these can be visible on the cervix or inside and outside of the anus or vagina.

2. Gonorrhea STD treatment in Delhi

Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection caused by the sexual transmission of the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The most commonly affected sites include the urethra, rectum, and cervix (in females). In females, when the genitals get infected it results in vaginal bleeding, painful urination, increased vaginal discharge, or abdominal and pelvic pain. For males, testicles may swell and pain, the penis may have pus-like discharge, or there may be painful urination.

3. Syphilis STD treatment in Delhi

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. In the beginning, there may be painless sores (called a chancre) found in the genitals, mouth, or rectum. An individual can acquire the infection from the sores present in another infected person via contact with skin or mucous membrane. The infection occurs in stages- Primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary syphilis. A pregnant woman can spread this infection to her child. It can also spread and damage the nervous system or brain (neurosyphilis), the heart (Cardiovascular Syphilis) and the eye (ocular syphilis).

4. Trichomoniasis treatment in Delhi

Trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection of the vagina, vulva, urethra, or cervix in sexually active individuals caused by a protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.

5. Genital Herpes treatment in Delhi

Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-2). This virus is generally found in semen, vaginal secretions, and saliva and can enter the genital area, nose, and mouth through mucous membranes. This sexually transmitted infection usually results in the development of fluid-filled, painful bumps on the skin around the buttocks, anus, vagina (in females), or penis and scrotum (in males).

6. Chancroid

Sexually transmitted disease characterised by painful red coloured bumps that may be ulcerated.

Can Sexually transmitted diseases be prevented?

Yes, to a certain extent as per the best Sexologist in Delhi,Lajpat Nagar. A person cannot acquire STDs if he/she follows such preventive measures

  • Reduction in the number of sexual partners.
  • Use of condoms or dental dams for every sexual act.
  • Communication with the partner before having serious sexual contact.
  • Mutual monogamy.
  • Vaccination for HPV and Hepatitis B infections.
  • Considering male circumcision.

Dr. Yuvraj Monga, Infectious Disease Specialist,Best Sexologist in Delhi provides treatment for venereal and sexually transmitted diseases that manifest in the skin of both genders. She first discusses the matter with the patient, asks questions for better investigation, and also notes the precise description of the symptoms. Then she does a physical examination of the affected area and looks for any skin abnormalities and to confirm an infection a smear test might be conducted, only if required. Vaginal discharge and infected secretion from the urethra may be examined as well he is conducted to the possible test determine the pathological strain.

The treatment of sexually transmitted diseases depends on the type of infection.


Q: Are STDs Only Contracted by Those Who Have Several Partners?

Ans: People who are exposed to multiple partners run a higher risk of passing on or developing an STD than someone in a monogamous relationship, especially if they don't use preventative measures like condoms. However, an STD can be acquired after just one exposure. Thus, you can get infected even when you have a single partner.

Q: Can using a Condom Prevent You from Contracting an STD ?

Ans Contrary to popular belief, a condom can reduce your risk, but it's not 100% safe. Don't rely on a condom to protect you against an STD because it can rip or break, and they don't always completely cover infected regions. Some infections also spread by skin-to-skin contact.

Q: There is No Probability of Contracting an STD Again Once You've Already Had One?

Ans: Some STDs have a multiple occurrence risk.HIV and herpes are two STDs that can last a lifetime. Others, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can be treated, but if you have sex with someone who has them, you can contract the infection again.

Q: Having an STD is Embarrassing and is not Common?

Ans Anyone who has ever engaged in sexual activity runs the risk of contracting anSTD;this itself shows that they are so common. The only solution to this is to use condoms and undergo regular sexual health tests to lessen your risk of contracting anSTD.

Q: Can STD Be Acquired Through a Public Restroom?

Ans Thank goodness, that's just not true. To survive, STDs need a warm body; else, they will perish. Sexually transmitted illnesses are conveyed through person-to-person contact rather than through contact with toilets or other surfaces. Nonetheless, maintaining proper hygiene is still vital, especially in public restrooms, to prevent urinary tract infections.

Q: You'll Get to Know if Your Partner Has an STD?

Ans Even doctors frequently struggle to detect STDs simply by glancing at a person. Thus, tests like bloodwork are required. While vaginal discharge, sores around the genitalia, painful sex, and itching are frequent indications of a sexually transmitted illness, you or your partner can have an STD and spread it without displaying any signs or symptoms at all.

Q: I Would Not Be Able to Have Children Because I Have Had Chlamydia Twice?

Ans Repeated gonorrhea or chlamydia infections increase the risk of infertility, but do not necessarily mean that you can never conceive. Recurrent testing and early, successful treatment will lower the likelihood of infertility.

Q: I Don't Need to Get Checked Up Because I Took the Same Antibiotic Medications that My Partner was Prescribed?

Ans Different STDs require different kinds of care and management. Not all antibiotics are suitable for a person. Taking medications that have not been exclusively recommended for you by a medical practitioner can prove risky, especially when it comes to antibiotics.

Q: Have All Types of STDs Cure?

Ans Not every STD can be cured. Once identified, STDs brought on by bacterial infections are typically simple to treat and cure. Viral infections, such as the human papillomavirus (HPV), the herpes simplex virus (HSV), and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), however, can only be controlled, not cured.

Q: Both Men and Women Experience the Same STD Symptoms?

Ans Men frequently show no symptoms; however, women are more prone to show signs of specific STDs. It is because of the difference in the physiology of men and women.

Q: Your Partner Does Not Need to Get Checked If You Have Been Treated and are STD-Free.

Ans This is also one of the common misconceptions that go around with STDs. It is possible that your spouse caught the infection from you but is not displaying any symptoms. In such a scenario, if you have sex with your partner after getting treated for your STD, you may again contract the infection from your partner. Thus, the wise step forward is to get tested simultaneously and prevent yourself from contracting the infection again.


STDs are diseases, just like the flu or the common cold. Unprotected sexual contact with a person who has an infection can spread STDs. Having an STD has nothing to do with personal hygiene or grooming and getting tested for one is not a judgment of your behavior; rather, it is a wise decision for your health. Regularly get tested, and don't forget to discuss STDs and safer sex with your partners.

STDs are more than just a source of embarrassment. They pose a significant health risk. Some STDs can have persistent effects and can even cause death if not treated.

The misconceptions mentioned above are only a handful of the many that exist around sex and STDs. Fortunately, you just need to keep in mind a few fundamental truths like practicing safe sex and if at all you have been into unsafe sex, then don't hesitate to consult a physician and get yourself tested. You may contact Dr.Monga Medi Clinic for a confidential consultation.

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