Anal Fistula treatment With Ayurveda
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Anal Fistula treatment in Delhi at Dr Monga Medi Clinic
An anal fistula is a hole running from the interior part of the anus used by the body for getting rid of body waste. Fistula piles occur in the skin surrounding the area. Usually, it is caused because of a past infection that didn't heal completely. Fortunately, there are advanced doctors providing Fistula treatment in Delhi. Patients can get rid of this medical condition with the right fistula treatment. Fistula piles include a painful cavity filled with pus, which is a breeding ground for infection-causing bacteria.
Different types of anal fistula categories
The conditions of the anal fistula can be categorized into four according to the location of the infection. First in the category is the Intersphincteric Fistula which is an abnormal hollow that commences from internal and external sphincter muscles and ends inside the anal area. Horseshow Fistula or Transphincteric Fistula is another condition where the abnormal tract is inflamed. The hollow crosses the sphincter's outer part and ends towards the outer side of the anal area.
Suprasphincteric Fistulais the following condition in which the abnormal hollow starts between internal and external muscle space. At the same time, Extrasphincteric Fistula begins at the anus's rectum and opens near to the crossing muscle of the anus. Appendiceal abscess or Crohn's disease are the causative factors behind this medical condition.

Fistula piles Causes & Symptoms
An anal abscess development is one of the major causes of anal fistula. It is usually filled with pus and fluid containing infectious bacteria. Other significant factors for this medical condition are
Crohn's Disease - It is a condition leading to intestines inflammation. Also, it's a significant reason causing anal fistula.
Hindradenitis Suppurativa - It's an inflammatory condition of the skin that causes abscesses and scarring. Hidradenitis Suppurativa results in anal abscess development, which leads to Fistula piles.
Diverticulitis - An infectious or inflammatory condition is another reason responsible for anal fistula. In this condition, the patient ends-up developing small pouches towards the colon's sides, which is called Diverticulitis.
Fistula Piles Symptoms - This medical condition's primary symptoms include irritation on the skin surrounding the anus area, redness and rashes around the anal region, and intense pain, which could worsen while sitting, coughing, or walking. Other reasons include fatigue, bad smell, and pain at the time of bowel movement, and rectum bleeding.
Risk factors for Anal fistula
There are high chances of fistula piles if an anal abscess develops in the anal region of the patient. The causes that increased the risk of fistula piles development involve Diabetes, Smoking, Tuberculosis, rectal cancer, Hyperlipidemia, Dermatosis, Alcohol consumption, Chlamydia, Syphilis, inactive lifestyle, HIV Aids, intake of spicy food, etc.
Diagnosis & Treatments for anal fistula
1. Examining the patient
Physical examination of the patient is essential for locating the fistula's opening and tenderness around the skin. It helps in diagnosing the central issue in and around the anal area. Plus, the examination is also about determining the tenderness or bloody discharge in fistula piles. The physician checks the anal fistula's opening and its internal part. It is a tricky part and should be conducted only by a Fistula specialist doctor in Delhi.
2. Examining the patient's rectal area
An expert examines the rectal area. The physician inserts a glove covered finger, lubricated with the gel inside the opening of the anus. The idea is to determine the intensity of the medical condition/infection, condition of Fistula extension and functioning of the Sphincter muscles.
3. Diagnostic tests for determining the right treatment for Fistula
The physician performs multiple tests while diagnosing the patient. The different examinations conducted by the experts include -
Proctoscopy The test is created to analyze the rectum with a telescope consisting of a fistula probe. Usually, the patient is given anesthesia for performing Proctoscopy.
MRI Scan - Magnetic Resonance Imaging is another ideal method to scan the patient's condition. It uses powerful radio and magnetic waves, which is used to create the organ's images in detail.
Anal Endosonography or Anal Ultrasound - Anal Ultrasound or Anal Endosonography procedure involves sound waves with high-frequency for image capturing. Fistula treatment centres check beneath the surface of the anal canal. It's comparatively a safe process and less discomforting for the patients.
Fistula piles treatment in Delhi
Treatment for fistula piles is designed according to the patient's sphincter muscles' complexity and strength. It is not possible to treat this medical condition with medications. For this reason, doctors adopt the surgical method of treating the issue.In ayurveda, Kshar Sutra is the surgical method used to treat the condition. Following are the treatments offered to patients according to their condition -
Fistulotomy Counted among the most effective surgical treatments, Fistulotomy opens the fistula piles to drain the bacterial fluid or pus from the affected area. Kshar Sutra : Kshar Sutra for anal fistula & piles is one of the most effective ayurvedic treatment with no side effect. It's a surgical method that doesn't requires any stiches or wounds. One can avail Kshar sutra for piles at Dr Monga Medi Clinic panchkarma centres in Delhi, Rajouri Garden & Gurgaon.
Seton Techniques The technique involves inserting the surgical thread into the fistula tract so that the injury is healed quickly and easily.
Advancement Flap Procedure It's an advanced method involving where the fistula is made to pass through the anal region's sphincter muscles. The procedure requires fistula hole covering, which speeds up the healing process of the injury.
Fibrin Glue of Collagen Plug It is a non-surgical process where the surgeon uses special glue for injecting it inside the affected area. The given medical grade anesthesia before the fistula is sealed.

Fistula piles complications (post-surgical)
Infection It is one of the most common complications after any surgery. Patients may have to suffer from severe consequences if the surgical area develops an infection. Additionally, it may affect other body parts, as well.
Inconsistency in bowel movement- Bowel movement may be affected due to damaging of muscles of the anal region. Resultantly, patients could suffer from extreme pain. Look for the best "Fistula Doctor near me" as soon as you discover the recurrence of fistula piles.
Fistula piles prevention by fistula specialist lady doctor in South Delhi
Fortunately, there are specific measures that can be adopted for preventing fistula piles. The patient should ensure the intake of fluids in adequate quantity. Additionally, you should ensure consumption of a fibre-rich diet; ensure dryness of the injured part. Most importantly, get regular exercise is your daily routine to stay healthy and lose extra weight, which could be a possible cause of fistula piles.