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Home / Physical / Physical Growth

Physical growth? Abnormal weight loss? Sudden weight gain? All these affect your personality and your wellness too.

Stagnation (stoppage) in growth of a human body can happen due to many reasons ranging from biological to psychological. But if you pay attention to a slow rate of growth in your physique at early stage and take measures to counter the same, then chances are there that you may be able to remove the bottleneck.

Physical growth Human Short height grows until the age of 21 years. After that due to other hormonal changes, the body starts responding to other issues than the height. Although not claimed by us, but testimonials of our patients, between the age group of 10 and 25 years, testify that our treatments have been beneficial to their need of gaining few upward centimeters.

Since no two human bodies are same, the Ayurvedic or for that matter any other Physical growth treatment would affect differently in different people.

Our treatment basically include, simple indoor excercises, food log and some Ayurvedic supplements.

Height denotes growth and is associated with the personality of an individual.

The height of an individual is largely determined by the genetic material inherited by the person from parents and grandparents. It is scientifically estimated that out of all the factors that determine the height of an individual, 80% is attributed to the genetic tree of that person.

Apart from genes, the other factors that influence height ( growth ) are Thyroid profile, Diet, Sleep, and Exercise ( athletic life style ).

The height of a normal person keeps on increasing steadily (and more rapidly) till the age of puberty, which is between 12 to14 years for girls and 13 to 15 years for boys. After attaining puberty the rate of growth decreases but continues for a few more years till maturity, which may generally be 16 to 18 years for females and 18 to 20 years for males.

Medical records, however, disclose examples of Males continuing to grow till the age of 25 and Females till the age of20.

Human Growth hormone is most aggressively secreted in the period just before and after the puberty of the individual.

Shashtrokt Ayurveda based medicines which were scripted more than 5000 years ago, have a very important role to regulate and stimulate the adrenal functions without any undesirable side effects. These medicines are very affordable and very effective.

A well balanced diet during the growing years is essential to realize the true growth potential. Proteins are the building blocks for growth. Diet with a higher protein content (as compared to carbohydrates) during the growing years yields better growth in terms of height. A balanced diet for good height includes the presence of essential macro and micro nutrients along with adequate quantities of Vitamin C & D for robust bone growth.

Similarly, an active physical life encourages and supports normal and proper growth.

Good sleep is also an important factor as the Human Growth Hormone secretion is maximum at night.

Treatment for Short height is a very complex process and the results are slow. The first positive indications may take around 4 to 6 months. Different individuals respond differently to the same therapy. Younger subjects ( females in the age group of 11 to 15 years / males in the age group of 13 to 17 years respond faster than older subjects ( females > 16 years / males > 20 years ).


Q:How soon will I become tall./ For how long will the treatment continue?

Ans: Vertical Growth in Humans is a slow process. In a normal person the maximum height is reached in about two decades. Therefore additional growth will also take many months / years depending upon the person’s gender, age and genetic constitution. The first positive indications of growth may take 5 to 6 months. Treatment usually continues for up to 2 to 3 years for potentially responsive patients.

Q: What is the guarantee for results?

Ans: At least 95% of the patients selected and enrolled for therapy at our Height Treatment Clinic respond positively to the treatment. If the patient comes for treatment during the right growing age then there is 100% chance of satisfactory results. But the results will vary in different individuals because every human has a different genetic profile, and therefore, a different response to the same set of treatment.Shashtrokt Ayurveda based medicines have a very good success rate and have been in use at our Clinic for more than 70 years with very satisfying results. Value for money is guaranteed.

Q: What is the cost of treatment and what are the services provided?

Ans: Average monthly cost is only Rs.1,000/- for a one year package. This includes the cost of all medicines and a minimum of 12 guaranteed, specially customized diet counseling sessions with a dedicated, qualified dietician. Additionally, height increasing exercisesand activity tips are regularly shared with the patients. Plus four Free additional consultations per annum( quarterly ) can be availed with our panel of Experts.All on line queries for one year during the annual period of treatment are absolutely Free. There is no limit to the number of on line / telephonic queries from the patient. All our medication is oral. Legitimate, ethical prescription and reports are provided to the patient. At our Growth Clinic the patient record is strictly confidential.

Q: Do you use injectable growth hormone.

Ans: No, we do not use growth hormone injections as they can have undesirable side effects. And they are very, very expensive too.

Q: How is your treatment better / superior to others?

Ans: Neither do we have any knowledge of how other doctors practice, nor do we follow their line of treatment.We are a Modern Clinic, with Ethical Practice based on Shashtrokt Ayurveda. We can share our entire treatment details with you after your enrolment at our Growth Clinic. We are proud to have an excellent and very impressive track record for more than the last 70 years.

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