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Home / Sexual Problems / Premature Ejaculation

Millions are today engulfed by the sexual problems, and PE or Premature ejaculation is one of the most common problems affecting men who live in the metro and urban areas. DR. Monga PE specialty clinic and expert PE specialist doctor in Greater Noida are your one stop destination for PE, other sexual problems, and a number of other diseases related to lifestyle. We use 100% ethical ways and authentic Ayurveda to relieve you from the medical conditions and diseases forever.

Premature ejaculation (PE) is characterized by the ejaculation of the sperm sooner than when the male actually wants. 1 in every 5 males in India is affected by the problem, which can be mild, moderate or severe. If you are ejaculating within 15 minutes of vaginal penetration, you are affected by PE. Over sensitivity of the male genitalia, thyroid problems, infection of the prostate or urethra, nervous damage (caused by surgery or trauma), hormonal variations and higher testosterone levels are some of the biological causes of the disease. Psychological reasons can also lead to PE and other sexual problems. We bring to you the rare and potent ancient herbs that have been time tested towards treating PE successfully. Our ethical Ayurveda therapeutic practices and medicines are combined with modern delivery systems and are bound to bring to you good effects.

We can help you get rid of PE permanently, and our doctors will totally relieve you of the disease in not more than 15 days. If you have been affected by PE longer, months or a few years, we will help you completely overcome the condition in not more than 6 months.

What do we do?

Dr. Monga employs a team of medical professionals, including a PE Doctor in Greater Noida (an Ayurvedic medicine and surgery degree holder), advisors and strategists to help you relieve of PE, erectile dysfunction and other kinds of diseases and medical conditions. Our potent and rare herbs, tablets, ointments, and tonics impact at the nervous and core level, treat the underlying problem and do not exhibit any side or adverse effect.

Why should you choose us?

Dr. Monga has been providing real and safe Ayurveda treatment to those living in Delhi and the NCR region for more than 50 years now. We have been able to successfully treat more than 6 lakhs patients and have resolved lifelong miseries such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, constipation, obesity, Alopecia, stunted growth, piles and many other lifestyle-related and other diseases. More than 20 lakhs worldwide patients are in our contact and are being actively treated for a number of diseases through the safe practices of Ayurveda. Dr. Monga offers you a personalized treatment as each patient is special for us. We do not use or sell any OTC product and prescribe/provide the most effective and ethical medicines only.


Dr. Monga PE specialty clinic in Greater Noida is a reliable, convenient and safe way to avail the Ayurvedic treatment for PE. You can call us now to book your appointment. Else, you can also fill in the inquiry form given on the website, and we will contact you shortly.

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