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Home / Gastro / Constipation Treatment

If you look around we will find that, constipation has emerged as a very common problem and many of us consider it as a routine act of the body. But what exactly is the reason behind the problem? We need to blame the modern lifestyle of the people as the real culprit. We are so much fond of junk food these days that the process of consumption in the stomach becomes difficult for us. Too much intake of alcohol smoking and yes also overeating can be the reason behind this problem. Those who are affected by this problem usually get a feel of bloating in the stomach, uneasiness with inability to make easy passing of the stool from body.

If we go by medical terms then we can say that Constipation can be defined as output of less than three stools weekly and excessive constipation for less than per week. One can have Lower abdominal discomfort, Hard or small stools and a restless feeling in body due to incomplete evacuation. It also happens due to slow movement of the stool through the colon. Other common causes of the problem can be side effect of medication, low fiber intake in diet, hormonal disorders, and increased levels of estrogen as well as progesterone at time of pregnancy. If you are suffering from this problem how long you are going to bear with it? If you already have tried allopathic treatment then have you got the desired result? If not then why? Well allopathic treatment may also give you result but it will be time consuming and will come with lots of side effects for the body. It will be advisable for you to visit a Constipation Specialist Doctor Ghaziabad, following Ayurvedic treatments.

The constipation specialist doctor in Ghaziabad will go deep into the root cause of the problem and they will decide which type of Ayurvedic medicine will suit your body and give you the desired relief. Getting treated by Dr. Jyoti Monga of Dr Mongas Clinic will surely give you a satisfactory feeling. The very first thing which DR. Jyoti suggests to her patients is to reduce the level of stress in life and do some free hand exercise every day at least for an hour. This will make perfect blood circulation in the body and will affect the digestion system in a positive way leading to free movement of stool from the body.

If you are wondering as why you should visit Dr Mongas Clinic then we have the reasons for you. She offers 100% authentic Ayurvedic treatment which will give guaranteed result for your constipation. She will deal with every patient with absolute care and attention which will make patient feel comfortable.

If you willing to get assisted by Dr. Jyoti by visiting her Dr Mongas Clinic Ghaziabad, then give a Call @ +91-8010931122 for appointment. WE can assure you about the fact that she is one of the best Constipation specialist doctor Ghaziabad, who always believes in delivering natural Ayurvedic treatment for treating her patients.

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