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Home / Gastro / Constipation Treatment

Constipation is one such medical condition which is related to digestive system. In this health problem individual starts having hard faeces and they find it really hard to expel it off from the body. But why this problem happens? Well in maximum cases the problem arise, because colon starts absorbing huge amount of water directly from the food one consumes and present in the colon. The slower movement of food is via digestive tract, will give indication to colon to absorb more water than abnormal. With time stool will start becoming dry as well as hard. If this type of condition you experience for you then its a clear indication that are in need of a Constipation specialist in Faridabad.

There are certain facts which are important for you to understand before you take the decision to meet a constipation specialist doctor in Faridabad. Constipation always occurs as too much water gets absorbed right from the food you take. The major reasons for the constipation are physical inactivity, taking of certain medications for diabetes, Taking of Iron capsule and also age. There are few case types where constipation patient can experience relief with change in lifestyle. Use of Laxatives need to be made only after when you tried all other natural methods to get relief from this problem.

Do you know that you can treat your problem of constipation with the application of Ayurvedic treatment? Yes, its true and strict follower of Ayurvedic science like Dr. Jyoti Monga treat patients with problem of constipation with application of Ayurvedic treatment which is natural and free from all types of side effects. Being an important part of Dr Mongas Clinic, Dr. Jyoti always guides the patients in a very caring manner to go deep into the root cause. There are many natural techniques which are suggested by her to patients so that they can at least make an effort on their own to erase this problem from their body without any use of allopathic medicine. She always suggest her patients to add more fibre food products in diet as this helps in easy movement of bowl which out creating much pressure on the extraction system of the human body. Constipation specialist doctor Faridabad Dr. Jyoti is very popular for her effective tips and medication for getting relief from problems are constipation which turns out to be very stressful for the patients if not cured.

Why Dr Mongas Clinic to resolve problems of constipation?

Dr Jyoti gives required attention to each and every patient whom so ever visiting her clinic in Faridabad for treatment. She always maintains an easy to approach with the patients so that they can feel free to discuss the problem they are facing. You will get 100% guaranteed result and that at a nominal and affordable fee.

If you want to take consultation from Dr. Jyoti by visiting her Dr Mongas Clinic Faridabad, then give a Call @ +91-8010931122 for appointment. She is one of the best Constipation specialist doctor Faridabad, who believes in natural Ayurvedic treatment to treat her patients.

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